“All branches of knowledge are connected together, because the subject matter of knowledge is intimately united in itself, as being the acts and the work of the creator”. John Henry Newman
The teachers have high expectations and are ambitious for all learners ensuring they reach their God given potential.
- Prayer and liturgy is central to the life of the school and takes place on a daily basis. All students participate joyfully engaging hearts and minds.
- Teachers ensure a supportive environment for all pupils including those with SEND, without exception. Barriers to learning and participation are removed through adaptive planning, modelling, scaffolding, explicit instruction and metacognitive strategies
- The five strand quality assurance process is robust and developmental, ensuring professional development enhances teaching and learning and impacts positively on progress and learning.
- The curriculum is compatible with the key requirements of the National Curriculum and robust collaboration occurs between primary and secondary phases ensuring it is progressive.
- The curriculum is mapped to demonstrate the component knowledge and techniques essential to retain (residual knowledge). The curriculum is sequenced coherently to support the acquisition of key concepts.
- Curriculum components are repeated over time, ensuring all pupils practise retrieval, master skills and concepts, develop long term memory and make progress from starting points.
- Accurate assessment strategies enable an informed and systematic judgement to be made about a pupil’s knowledge, understanding, skills and attitude.
- Data is purposeful and used effectively to enhance school and individual provision.
- Metacognition plays a pivotal role in the sequence of the curriculum with a specific focus on evaluating, reasoning and deeper thinking.
- Specialist provision exists for literacy and numeracy at point of need. Carefully considered and time-measured intervention programmes are utilised to ensure pupils quickly develop confidence with literacy and numeracy thus allowing access to the demands and rigours of GCSE.
- A rigorous approach to the teaching of reading develops learners’ confidence and enjoyment the St Bede’s Reading Canon ensures all pupils are provided access to the highest quality texts.
- Teachers provide a language-rich environment. Vocabulary is mapped out carefully across the curriculum to enable our students to learn the correct words and phrases in the right order.
- Enrichment (Co-curriculum) ensures that learning connects to purpose, context and real-life application our students are provided with a wealth of varying experiences.
- Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) will be central to curriculum design, enabling all pupils to make informed choices about which subjects to study, and understanding established pathways into education, careers and independence.